One of the most amazing things has been taking place for years and that is cultural and societal acceptance of an addiction. While we as a culture work to address real diseases in the form of alcoholism, drug dependency and for that matter child abuse, we seem to turn the other cheek when it comes to being manipulated by an amazing phenomena that is called Apple-holism.
The responses are pretty much the same thing amongst the faithful – if you question any aspect of an Apple product you will receive a sever tong lashing. Sadly this is not a great deal of difference from when you question someone that you’re concerned may drink too much, or party too hard – denial is a serious issue. Yet, in today’s US State of the Union address you will see the CEO of Apple in attendance right along individuals who have faced real hardship and challenges: the whistle blower of the military, the wounded policeman from Wisconsin, the parents of the young teenager from Chicago who was recently slain.
Yes, Apple’s CEO certainly can be considered one of those who has lost greatly…in his stock portfolio? Ouch. Whew, so sad. Bottom line, it’s really sad to see that this venue is now open for manipulation by the marketplace.
I know there are those that will disagree with me, but I just don’t see how we as a culture buy into so heavily the allure of the Apple brand. Great products, great innovation, but do they define me…no. Our media though seems to buy into it too. Covering Apple when other companies far exceed them in innovation or market needs. In fact, in some ways the media is on the defensive these days, so get ready for some ‘ego’ defense coming our way.
The first we’ll see is tonight when Apple’s CEO will be validated by being alongside real reasons to celebrate our country…those who have sacrificed to be truly recognized.